AI + Robotic — new kid on the block

Investment Monks
2 min readFeb 4, 2023

-- (AITX) is the new generation robotic company that is leading the security sector.

AITX and its wholly owned subsidiaries deliver robotics and artificial intelligence-based hardware and software solutions that empower organizations to gain new insight, solve complex challenges, and fuel new business ideas at a reduced cost.

AITX (Source — website)

What are the Robotic products that makes this company an interesting watch —

ROSA — ROSA monitors the perimeter and is ideal for preventing trespassing and is a good surveillence monitor.

(Source — website)

RAD DOG — RAD DOG is ideal for patrolling and monitoring the perimeter.

(Source — website)

AVA — Autonomous Vehicle access

(Source — website)

ROAMEO — ROAMEO is patrolling 7-feet autonomous robot.

(Source — website)

This company has a wide variety of security products and is investing in the next generational AI and Robotic technology.

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