Super Investors Portfolio — Top 15 stocks

Investment Monks
1 min readFeb 17, 2023


Who are Super Investors ? Super Investors have a portfolio of stocks and their investments in the stock market is worth more than $100 Million dollars

As per Wiki, An investor is a person who allocates financial capital with the expectation of a future return (profit) or to gain an advantage or interest — in this case — Stocks.

Warren Buffet, Li Lu, Mohnish Pabrai, Carl Icahn, Kahn Brothers, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are some of the Super Investors.

What are their top stock positions ?

Here is the list of top 15 stocks currently in their portfolio (owned by atleast 15 Super Investors -as per data from -

GOOGL Alphabet Inc.
MSFT Microsoft Corp.
GOOG Alphabet Inc. CL C
META Meta Platforms Inc.
V Visa Inc.
BRK.B Berkshire Hathaway CL B
UNH United Health Group Inc.
BAC Bank of America Corp.
MA Mastercard Inc.
WFC Wells Fargo
JNJ Johnson & Johnson
AAPL Apple Inc.
MCO Moody’s Corp.
DIS Walt Disney Co.

This portfolio is all top performing companies in the country and in the World too.

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